Sunday, July 13, 2008

Tompkins County - Day 6

Friday, July 4, 2008

It is the 4th of July and all the government buildings are closed so the research has been completed for this trip. We spent the day going to Treman State Park and visiting other parts of the Ithaca area. The fireworks display were on the 2nd of July instead of the 4th and we learned today, as we expected, the fireworks had set off a number of fires on the Ithaca College campus. It was windy during the fireworks and we could see some of the burning fragments drifting towards parts of the campus. There had been lots of fire trucks and police traveling about with sirens blaring and lights flashing.
The gorges of Tompkins are up to their claims "Tompkins is Gorges". We had a 2 1/2 mile hike up the clifts of Treman State Park and through the wooded areas. There were several water falls and the park was full of campers. There were swimming pools at the base of some of the falls where people could swim. Our grandkids took advantage of the opportunity.
Tomorrow we pack up and drive back to Rhode Island.

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