Monday, December 14, 2015

Budapest Day Three - 14 Dec 2015

Budapest Day Three

After walking along the crest of the hill, viewing beautiful Budapest, Mike and I tucked into a trio of made-in-Hungary art shops. For my Christmas present, I chose fun earrings.  

The Gellert Spa’s pleasures outweigh the strategic challenges. My oh my, do they have rules and procedures. I couldn’t check in because my hotel voucher was 10 Florints short (about 4 cents). I must charge it. Moving along, I follow instructions to turn right down the hall, down the stairs, through the corridor, through the door, following the blue floor mats to locker #1. Tadah!  My Nifty digital bracelet, held up to a monitor screen, tells me my locker is #53. I proceed past all the numbers, casting my eyes down when anyone less than Adonis passes me in the hall. This is a spa where men and women mix! 
Coverings range from my uber-tacky silk turtleneck to a small towel to a smaller bikini. I finally reach #53 and it reads my bracelet code. I open the door of what’s called a ‘cabin.’ It houses my clothes and valuables. I am hoping everyone passing me on the way back offers me the same courtesy and looks away. I am in my underwear, too cheap to rent a swimsuit for the Thermal Pools. It’s awkward. I change my mind, decide to rent a robe and towel. They take charges, but include large security deposits that can only be received in the local currency, Florints. By now, I am almost late for my 11:30 massage. When I first arrived, the efficient “Customer Service” lady told me to go upstairs for my massage. However, I am subsequently firmly directed to a downstairs massage station and report there only to be told crisply, I should go upstairs. Think “Alice in Wonderland.”

The Spa building is gorgeous Art Nouveau. It is bordered by a row of brilliantly colored stained glass windows surrounded by tiles and painted walls with gold accents. Nice. Everywhere you look there is a pleasant blend of color and design. My massage was just what I needed at the end of our trip. It seems I’ve put my heavy coat on and off twenty times a day. Ask my shoulders! Add fourteen pocket excavations in search of money, tissue, pills, keys, tickets and chapstick and you know how I spent 80% of the 18-day trip!

We returned to Café Miro for Dobos torte preceded by a lunch of roast Brie, walnuts, apple slices and blueberry compote. Mike had goulash. We returned to pack and sip the smooth wine Sandor gave us. We must rise at 3:00 am to be able to catch our 4:00 am shuttle and our 6:55 flight to Paris. We will be home by 3:30 pm in Seattle. It’s been quite the trip with cars, buses, trains, boats and planes.

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